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The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child
- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


Let Your Children be Free of Stress and Anxiety - Make Them Mentally Tough and Resilient

By Andrew Loh

More often, children could be the victims of extreme stress and anxiety because of some unknown reasons. When they become extremely anxious and stressful, even the most mentally focused and tough parents could become negative and start to think in a serious manner. When children fall into a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety, parents would take all necessary actions to protect them from further breakout of stress and anxiety. In fact, they will go all their way to find solutions to get rid of the stress situations that actually caused children to become anxious. In fact, stress and anxiety among children is a very common problem in today's society that is full of cut throat competition and action. Hence, parents may need to learn and master various techniques and methods that help them to eradicate stress and anxiety from children.

Before learning those techniques, we may need to know what anxiety is and how it affects is in the real world.

According to Web MD, the term anxiety could be defined as follows:

“Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at times. Many people feel anxious, or nervous, when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or making an important decision. Anxiety disorders, however, are different. They can cause such distress that it interferes with a person's ability to lead a normal life.” (Find the original quote here.)

Anxiety is a sort of condition that each one of us has experienced at least one or two times in life. It also mimics fear and fright; it is a natural reaction to something that cause stressful situation. It is a normal and necessary emotional sign that everyone including children experience in life. One will need to be reactive to certain fearful situations in life to avoid possible dangers. There could be different states of fear like scare, fright, afraid, nervousness, worry and panic that might lead the state of anxiety. Fear is normal among us and it can be a positive trait for someone who wants to escape the unknown territory of danger. For example, for a teen who is asked to give a talk on the stage might feel nervousness and unknown fear that eventually helps in overcoming the state of fear to prepare for the best. In other words, anxiety provides us a chance to escape danger and prepare for walking on an unknown territory.

Anxiety sources in children

Some children are anxiety-prone by their birth and they are easier prey for occasional attacks of anxiety. Almost 20 percent of children are known to be anxiety prone by their birth. As they age, anxiety effects become more pronounced which is again a normal event in children's life. Most of the anxious moments may arise because of fear and scare arising out of having bad dreams of fictitious monsters, dark objects and other scary moments. Anxious moments may also arise because of classroom tests, exams, competitions and other similar events.

In effect and combination, all these anxious moments accumulate and lead to a feeling of social rejection, inferior academic and classroom performance as well as mental health. Anxiety may also occur because of changes, transitions and behavioral modification that tend to occur from time to time as the children grow over time, both mentally and physically. Sibling rivalry, separation from parents, failure in tests, parental separation, instances of death of close ones and rejection by peer groups are some of the most common causes of anxiety.

Identifying anxiety and stress in children

Children who display anxiety syndrome may exhibit one or many of the following signs:

  • Extreme negative thinking, criticize self, rigid behavior, pessimistic outlook, inflexible and similar other signs.

  • Extreme anger, restless, irritating, fits of tantrum, defying behavior.

  • Unnecessary thoughts about those things that never occurs or that happened in the past.

  • Constant crying and bouts of sobbing.

  • False physical complaints and refusing to go to school because of them.

  • Intentionally avoiding certain situations and refusing to do tasks.

  • Trying to be perfect.

  • Putting off doing things and tasks.

  • Do not sleep properly.

  • Separation and death worries.

  • Poor studies.

  • Lapse in memory.

  • Poor focus and concentration.

  • Not participating in events and activities.

Anxiety could be potential killer of child's creativity and abilities. Parents may need to tackle this negativity by acting on it in a timely manner. Anxious children could have negative effects on the parents as well as other members of the family. Treating children for excessive anxiety could be a big challenge too. You can read more about Let Your Children be Free of Stress and Anxiety - Creating a Mentally Tougher Child here!


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