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The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child
- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


Raising Your Children' IQ through Music

By Andrew Loh

Music... "The science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity" - Merriam Webster

Who does not like music? Music is surreal and true. It traverses beyond caste, creed, religion and borders. Music is a potent tool to transform one's life, from good to better, and better to best. Music is relaxing, soothing and healing. Music can teach many things to us. Music can also be a tool to teach children. While we like and adore music as a form of relaxation, what we do not know is that it can be used as a means to enhance intelligence among children.

Recent research findings suggest us that music is a combination of several useful things that relate to our mind, body and brain. For example, music is a fine art form, where the medium is sound and silence. In a typical musical note, you will have a pitch, melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, meter, articulation, dynamics, timbre and texture. In fact, all these issues relate to our body, its daily, circadian rhythms, moods, bodily rhythms and total harmony. Music can strike brain cells with its powerful notes made by both vocal and instrumental variations. Music can easily touch and influence brain cells and their functions.

How can you use music to enhance brain functions in children? Is it possible to enhance IQ in children by using music? Could musical notes transform the way in which human brains think and act? Does Mozart Effect help children become smart and intelligent? These serious questions can help you understand more about music and its effect on your children. Available research findings also suggest that music could act as a very good tool in schools and homes to make children think and study in an effective manner.

Here are some of the notable research findings on how music plays an important role in enhancing children's IQ and intelligence:

  • A decade old study on effect of music on children revealed that making music could actually improve test scores in class tests as well as reading capability tests.

  • Children studying in middle and high school developed the ability to score better marks in math and verbal tests.

  • Children who know how to play piano have better ability to understand math and science concepts than those who do not.

  • Piano lessons over a period can enhance pattern recognition and mental representation.

  • Music students could easily outperform those who do not learn music.

  • When children learn music, they also develop the ability to sharpen their skills and ability to perform better in classroom.

  • Research linked to music lessons also revealed that children who participate in lessons tend show better social behavior.

  • Children who learn to play piano will know how to identify the length of notes and the rhythm associated with it. This ability will help them in enhancing the capability to think in a proportional manner.

  • Music can help steam-line the brain's hardwiring for the capability to visualize and presume things both in time and space.

  • According to some researchers, better IQ enhancing effects are visible when children associate with making music.

  • The most remarkable research result of the last century has been the invention of the so-called Mozart Effect. Some forms of music can help children temporarily increase their spatial-temporal reasoning. This reasoning relates to the ability to visualize something in space and over time. Reading a map is one example where children can display spatial temporal ability.

  • Piano keyboard seems to be the most result-oriented tool to enhance children's IQ. This is because it has a spatial layout, while the music played on a piano keyboard is spread over time from one note to the other. This mental traveling will enhance spatial thinking along with imagination.

Music in any form is good. Every region or country in the world has its own music form. Learning music in any form is advantageous and beneficial. Apart from piano and violin, several other instruments can help children enhance their IQ. On the other hand, vocal music has the ability to process intricate brain wiring in a rapid manner. When children learn music at a young age, the benefits are far more superior and better. One best advantage of playing musical instruments is the development of muscle-eye-brain coordination that is so important for a growing child. Learning music is never disadvantageous! Continue to read Raising Your Children' IQ through Music - Tips and Methods


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