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The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child
- By Inderbir Sandhu, Ph.D


Boosting IQ in Your Children - Simple Ways to Create a Brainy Child

By Andrew Loh

Boosting IQ in children is a strategic activity that demands various approaches, skills and techniques. Here are some more ways and techniques that would help you to enhance IQ in your children.

Talk and Talk

Mutual dialogues and conversations lead to better communication skills and language development. Children who are born and nurtured in a home where parents talk in different languages are more likely to develop their IQ scores in a quicker way. Language and vocabulary development is necessary for proper academic development.

Read books and recite stories

Make it a point to read bed time stories and thematic tales just before children go their sleep. This could have a significant impact on the way in which children grow their mental faculties. Children should be exposed to books as early as possible.

Make children read

Children should also be able to read at an early age. Rudimentary reading at an early age helps children build better language and communication skills at a later stage. Colored story books, charts and tables should be supplied to children so that they can look at colorful pictures and printed letters; in fact, reading aloud is a potent way to enhance skills that can boost IQ scores.

Improve child memory by challenging them

The best way to hone memory skills in children is to ask them to recite stories that you told them just now. Alternatively, you can even ask them to do the same once they finish reading a story book. Let them speak in their own words and repeat the content they absorbed just now. You can even ask them to recreate the entire story in fresh words and themes. The results are visible to see - an enhancement in verbal and visual memory.

Use daily conversations to build math skills

Use trigger words to drive home basic math skills. Here are some of them:

  • “Breakfast will be ready in just ten minutes”

  • “Do you need an entire bar of chocolate or just half of it?”

  • “We will take a walk in the garden at 5 PM”

  • “How many cookies you have in your hands? Can you count them?”

  • “How many cookies did you eat just now? Two or three.”

  • “Just look at that picture in the book. How many legs can you find in that animal?'

Bring home puzzles, building blocks, mental ability games and other play sets that can enhance cognition

There are thousands of toys and play sets that can enhance vision, cognition and motor development. Puzzles are good for improving brain activities while building blocks can help streamline cognition, motor development and hand-to-eye coordination. Children may also develop spatial intelligence, critical thinking and imagination.

Allow your children to solve their problems on their own

Allow children to think for them. Provide them choices and options to think and act. For example, ask them to retrieve the ball that is stuck in a corner. Ask them the way in which they can tie their shoelaces in a quicker manner. Let them think and act so that they can boost their imagination and cognition skills.

Let children dirty their hands and face!

Children should be playing in your garden and its environs. Let them their own gardeners and housekeepers! They should use sand and mud to build buildings and other simple structures. Supply them art and painting materials that include colored papers, paints, crayons, clay mud, glue, glitters, brushes and gums. Let them get dirty as they play and create their own art masterpieces! These simple activities will help improve cognition, critical thinking, and immigration, and visualization techniques.

Allow them to play games

Allow your children to play games, both indoor and outdoor. Chess is a great board game that can enhance thinking and spatial skills. It will also teach children better concentration and focus skills. Chess is also a strategic game that can teach children how to plan for their future life. In other words, chess is a mental game that can enhance a number of mental abilities including better IQ values.

Many brain-based and educational toys and games will help in enhancing problem solving skills. Association with other children will help them learn how to live in harmony with others. Memory skills and boosted emotional abilities will help children perform better in classes and in life. Boosting IQ scores in children is a long and arduous process that requires tremendous patience and skills. As parents help their children in various activities, they can expect them to build their IQ in a slow, but assured manner.

Featured Resource

Raise a Smarter Child by Kindergarten: Raise IQ by up to 30 points and turn on your child's smart genes
By David Perlmutter, M.D and Carol Colman

Between birth and age five, your child has up to thirty IQ points at stake. Scientists now know that the human brain is undergoing a constant and dramatic transformation in the first years of life. During this peak time of development, every activity and experience leaves an indelible mark on your baby's brain, for better or worse. The right kind of stimulation and nutrition will create connections in the brain that promote intelligence and raise IQ.

The good news is that raising a smarter child is easier than you think. It doesn't require making an investment in expensive equipment or high priced tutors. It's as simple as playing the right games, serving the right foods, and maintaining a brain-enhancing environment in your home by eliminating common household toxins.


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